I am going to write everything in block letters because i dont want anyone else to be cheated by yebhi.com like I was. I saw the negative reviews about this website. But chose to ignore it and as a result got cheated. I shopped for a dress from yebhi.com. It looked really good on their website;but what i received after days & days of wait was pure garbage.
It costed me rs.1449/- & was worthless. I cant even use it as a mop at home. The best part: i called the customer service & they say theres no exchange. Do not get tempted by the pictures uploaded on their website because the end product is rubbish. Its a waste of money. I had shopped & the product code is: in-30686900(ybh5576350). Its a cheap website offering cheap street products;something whose real price maybe rs.150/- & is sold on yebhi.com for rs.1449/-.
Do not get fooled by some nice reviews given anywhere about this website because im pretty sure its the company people writing these reviews. I have uploaded the pics of the item received here. There was some flap also at the bottom, which wasnt mentioned in the original pic on their website. To all those people who still want to shop at their website, "shop at your own risk"! Yebhi.com is a living example of frauds!