My order No. was YBH2321985. I intended to purchase a shoe and paid full amount Rs. 2199 on the 14th September, 2012.
They created a false AWB number N100002098361CN7. Have you ever heard the name of the courier namely "yebhi express" ?Getting no item from them I regularly phoned to the seller and send mails. Each time they said that the item will reach to me soon. One day a sales man told me that the packet has been detained in the Custom or Sales tax office. But one day a sales girl answered me that my item has been lost in transit. I did not know what was the fact.
Again I made phone calls and regularly send mails. At last one lady on behalf of Yebhi answered that they will refund my money.I phoned them every day and send emails again and again. At last, they refunded my money amounting to Rs. 2199 on the 10th. October, 2012.But the most funny thing is that they are showing on the site, the item was sent to me on 18th. October, 2012 but it was refused by me !!!
It is simply wastage of time and a big tension for my hard earned money.