For the kids of 90’s when technological advancement was less as compared to todays internet evolvement, who spent less time on digital life. You can completely relate to this series.
I have fallen in love with this series its nostalgia in every episode they have released to date.
TVF new series has made me feel so good about the childhood that Ive spent in contrast to todays world.
The characters are so well positioned that no replacement can be better than the current one.
The small things like the value of bournvita at that time, that moment of utter embarrassment which I’m sure every kid at that time has experienced when your family members and friends pull you in the gatherings to dance, the feeling of togetherness and the discussion on different topics during dinner, the sharing of chocolates during b’day celebration in school, the happiness of eating mangoes during summer, the games such as Flames used to equate you relationship with the person you like, and that smile that just appeared naturally when you looked at your crush all of sudden not prepared to face him/her. All these things are beautifully portrayed in this web series.
Ive realized that there are a lot of things that the current generation is missing as to what we have lived….We(90’s kid) have literally lived and enjoyed every moment I wish we could relive that sincere childhood of us:) Great Job TVF. A part of me still resides there and is restoring itself while I watch this show.
A must must WATCH!
#90skebacche #thankyouTVF