Yelagiri my parents said and I thought again a boring trip.We went by car and what a dusty road it was until we reached the foot of the great hill.Breathtaking views ruled every hairpin bend named after a Tamil scholar and as we neared the peak it was as if in a forest.Our resort was Taj Zeenath Gardens a huge resort with cottages and plenty of nature.The guidde there took us on a trek we went through the forest with a layer of goat droppings for us to walk upon.The guide said we could spot a few animals in the night.He took us to a spot from where we could have an astounding view of what was below us and awe had a great time coming back.We next went to the Lake Yelagiri and had great fun boating in the lake.we visited a nearbyh temple wqhich had names of donors engraved on the sidewalk and a small temple on a hilltop.We then went to the village market where we purchased jackfruits at dead prices which couldnt have been possible in Chjennai.We had great fun eating fruits and playiong and having to sit around a fire in the evening and enjoying .We returned after having our fill of nature.