One day while browsing my facebook home feeds
I came across a link towards very good looking shoes at a good price. as I opened the link the yepme site opened
I saw the shoe in the pic and it was looking really good
they were of vans and I was getting a discount of 60% which you dont usually get on vans
the shoe costed me around 2000 rs
I received the shoe after a week which was very long.
but the worst part is when I received the shoe they were completely opposite to that of what looked in the pic
they were pathetic as if someone has made a copy of vans of cheap quality and selling it
they were looking not more than 300 rs
I was dissapointed
I immediately called them up
but their costumer care executives dont respond easily u have to wait in so called long queus while on line
and after half an hour they respond
they told me that they will send someone for reverse pickup the guy came after 2 days
it was really a long procedure
they continuously asked me to mail your adhar card and all that
I did then they asked me to submit my kyc documents I was really upset
but at the end they did transfer my money.
though wasting much of my time
I recommend not to shop from there
if you really need some good branded shoes directly go to the showroom outlet dont buy them on yepme
the shoe I have given to a poor boy after wearing 2-3 time
I hope the review was useful
thank you