The Yepme.com is an Indian site I had decided to purchase from this sight But my Experiences is bad. Im not content with yepme. Yepme you can not get to be likes of other great materials online retailer brands.
I do a lot of online of shopping from different locales however this webpage is bad to purchase. I requested a couple of shoes for my spouse. it was looked great in the site. yet, when I got the item it was not the same by any stretch of the imagination.
Shading was not all that great. whats more, subsequent to wearing it for 2-3 times an awful stench was originated from the shoes. .The shoe bind apparently thick however was less thick and extends more than I foreseen. fundamentally I got great bundling on in light of the fact that I paid additional conveyance charges for both combines independently, generally who knows in what condition they would convey the bundle.
I was exceptionally frustrated. they are con artist. enormous con artist.