is a online ecommerce site. It gives options to purchase mens and women aoparel including footwear, clothes etc.
I purchased from this site a yepme shoe for 299 in previous month. After the delivery I found that the item was faulty than I tried their customer number for help. But they were not ready to agreeing that product is faulty. When I send the image of shoes of broken shoes to them than they agree and they told me that they will refund me after receiving the product. But that not happens . I again tried for 3-4 times and than I stopped. As I assume that I was made fool.
So my this experience I have a very bitter taste with this site. My second oreder of slipper also arrived on next day but that was also faulty as both were of same leg. But I got refund of this order. But refund two consecutive faulty order made my taste very bitter.
Although despite of its faulty product its delivery time was good . It delivers product in 3 days which was less than its estimated date. In this regard it gives some relief.
It has both app and web options but I used only web option to surf it site and purchase. Its website loads pretty early and it is smooth. It doesnot lags.
But its site has not much options.
For me this site is not reliable as I got two faulty orders. And got refund on only one order so for me it is worst site I have ever encountered. And it is fooling people by showing the images of good products and delivering bad quality product on low price.
So from my experience I recommend never to fall in the trap of this site and never purchase anything from this site .
Thank you.