After the tiring day of 8-10 hours of work how can one relax oneself? See the tension-full serials of saaaaaaaaaas-baaaaaaaahu. No way! One needs some really a good dose of comdey. And a real comedy...not a fake comedy to force someone laugh.
A great example of such serial is Yes Boss. (Saturday - Tuesday 8:30 pm).
Cast : Vinod Verma, Mohan Shrivastava, Meera Madam, Kavita Madam, Tanvir, Saddu, etc.
The story revolves around 3 characters (Vinod V. Meera and Mohan)(sometimes around buddha bunty and kavita madam).
Mohan Shri. is jealous of the personality of Vinod V. He is afraid that he might someday run away with his wife Meera bcoze he thinks that Verma is trying to attract Meera and actually Vinod V. is attracted to Meera and is awaiting when her old hubby will die and when ....
These three characters will make you laugh till your belly begins to pain. The comedy is really very well planned and the dialouges are marvellous. The director needs to be patted at the back for his marvellous direction.
The cast and acting of Vinod V. and Mohan is superb!
This prograame needs to really be applauded.