I purchased my Yezdi CL II in decent condition from guy who works for the railways.he had maintained it in good condition so sparing me the trouble of restoring it to running condition.Original condition and no mods. Love at first sight.Actually I got it at throw away price.Familiarisation with the bike was really no easy task for me.Starting it was a task which must be mastered. The first month went past learning how to start and ride it and learning the ropes of the bike.Finally I found a mechanic who is an yezdi speclialist .he wont even clean a spark plug if it someother bike make.I would say the bike has a mind of its own, You treat her well and she looks after you, infact she pampers you.
I Had my Yezdi for about 5 years.Never once she back fired nor let me down what ever may come. once during monsoons the roads were flooded and the water was upto the petrol tank level, still she never stopped just went like a boat and safely reached me home .Never once in 5 years she gave me the famous "re-kick".Yezdi is a great bike to grive and handling is precise confidence inspiring.Yezdis never skid even under hard braking.
I had done many great rides on her, and never once she failed me.My longest non stop ride was from chennai to coimbatore, non stop 500 KMS drive and my yezdi went like a gun up and all the way and back.
Sadely I had to part with my bike . But now I regret selling my bike .Now I very rarely see a yezdi on roads of chennai. I really wished I did not sell my bike.
*Bottom Line:
Whatever vehicle you have please look after it well and it will look after you well, what ever may be the age of the bike.