I have used a Yezdi for more than 8 years & I love it. I owned a 1974 yezdi model, bought it in 1992. But its the best bike of all. No other bike compares to it. Its a tough machine unlike the sissy bikes that you get now. After driving a Yezdi, I dont like to drive any other bike. Given a choice of swapping the bike with any other indian bike I would prefer a Yezdi. This bike can handle any road.
Its a pity that the factory has stopped production & closed down. The modern Indian bikes have only just started to make bikes of more than 100CC, but this 250CC machine has been there for more than 30 years now.There are very few people now who realize the greatness of the bike. You can know it only if you have driven this mean machine but its only for the real bike lovers.I used to drive this bike to college & always turned more than a few heads.