Hi people,
My names Dominic and im one hell of a freak when it comes to my Yezdi roadking, the funny thing is that when I was a kid I always wondered how people actualy ride a yezdi, coz it had a thundrous roar and was so big yet everyone I saw riding a yezdi always rode it with such ease and simile on their face.
Anyway to make a long story short I needed a motarcycle within a budget of 5000 rupees and on inquring I was told the only decent vechile one could get for that budget was a yezdi, and like I told you earlier I was petrifed of that motarcycle but I did not have a choice, and what a wonderful choice in the end, it was a classic II and I did it up to suit my style and vola!!!!
what a fantastic motarcycle, I couldent have belived that a yezdi would be such a great motarcycle to ride, anyway I finaly gave away my classic II coz I had a bad knee ingury in my left knee (sports injury) and so I was advised not to ride for 6 months, moreover coz you need your left leg to kick start a yezdi.
Finaly a year went passed and I gave away my classic II to my uncle, and when it was time to get back on road I decided its gona be the true king of the road the yezdi roadking is what im talking about.
Its simply fantastic as a motarcycle why Im saying this is because, I cannot think of any aspect of this motarcycle that is bad, my roadking thoug is black and I have as far as possible kept it to its orignality, althoug the only thing that does not belong to the actual bike is the handle bar and the paneling, this is because I wanted to have adjustible cbales on the clutch and front brake lever, also other important features such as pass light, indicators, engine run switch etc. reason being these are all very essential when on road, I never exceed a max speed of 80kmp, its enough to glide on road, in the city its an average speed of 40 - 50 kmph, on highways its a regular 60 - 70 kmph, milage is fairly good 36 kmpl.
Its a bike with the best handling, the handling is basicaly comfortable and very easy, it has a decent road grip, its quite a well balanced motarcycle, its beat or rather its roar without the core is really something, its one motarcycle that would drown the sound of a Bullet, it has amazing power and great speed, one could easily do up to a 110 kmph without a fuss, its engine is so good and powerful you can do upto a 70 kmph on 3 rd gear, it has one of the most hassel free gear setups.
On the whole its a beautiful motarcycle to own, it dosent cost you much, it has great looks, everybodys head turns when you ride it, very easy to maintain, never requires too much attention at the service station, as the subject goes its the true king of the road , so go ahead and roar.