The first bike I ever rode was an yezdi road king, she was my brothers slightly modified but brilliant looking bike. I have been obssesed with her ever since. he never gave her up when he was around but wen he left to the states he had no choise but to leave her with me, but before he left he had an accident, and I could never afford to get her fixed, i am still a student u dad bought me a pulsar and I was contemp, but after 2years since the accident I finaly got her fixed but it cost me a fortune.but I tell u this from my heart it was worth every penny, a new pulsar or any new four stroke in the indan market for that matter doesnt even start to compete with her .
yes she is a fuel guzzler and she is a pain in the a*s for mother earth but something this beautifully simple, eligantly stylish and such a sweet of a ride should never be held responsible for the environment or finance for that matter.
it relaxes me and gets my heart pounding at the same time wenever I ride her .every time I get on that bike, I get exited and thats all I care about
. "if your in to old school style bikes and want ur prcence on the road to be felt there is no other bike like a road king"."if u want a bike with an attitude buy a road king", "if u want a bike that will make u feel like a man buy a road king"