I still rememer the day my dad had bought a yezdi roadking when I was still in 3rd or 4th std.
how his friend tought him to drive it and we kids( me, bro n sis) were sitting and watching the loud sounding monster my dad was trying to tame!
he had also got himself a leather jacket for riding.
but some how mom made him sell it off as it is mostly used by rowdies in kannada movies. he he.
since then I alwyas wanted to own a ROAD KING.
I am not a hefty guy.actually I am a athletic slim guy.but dont agree to the fact that to ride a bike like yezdi / bullet one has to be well built n bulky.coz its the technique that matters.
all said and done. let me come bck to my darling - 1995 yezdi roadking
I got it for around 8-9k in 2007( which included a rebore, service, accessories.)
she doenst have a battery, ignition lock, proper brakes, suspensions. nothing.
stil ENGINE has life.i just start it and she comes alive.like a roaring lion.
my neighbors would have cursed me countless times as I start it early morning around 6-7 am. lolz.
best things abt roadking is the smoothness she achieves after crossing 60kmph. no vibrations. she simply glides.and you can literally feel that you are not riding just mechanical bike.shez got her own personality.seating is low.doubles can be clumpsy.but for single riding. no worries
you dont have to maintain her.just fill fuel and take her for ride.as they say. shez got one of the most simple engine which is not complicated at all. even if I had parked her for 2-3 months. she starts after trying 2mins. hold the choke. give some dry kicks.thn a powerful kick.there she starts. with lot of smoke ofcourse.coz of stale oil .
I have spent around 3k for repairs. but not dont use it regularly. planning to take her for a long ride.
or may be fill the tank and ride her till she goes dry. jst for my satisfaction.:)
I never regret my decisions in life.and it holds good for the decision of buying my yezdi.she gives me a kick when ever I ride her.thatz what it counts .
I have plans for buying R1 in future.but still yezdi wil be my fav.:)
update on 20-oct-09
I did a 300km run on my YRK recently.and got it serviced. now shez behaving even better. only problem is running it in bengaluru traffic.also finding new tyres for YRK is a bit difficult these days.
even my wifes learnt to start my yezdi:)( She alrdy rides my bullet electra on empty roads:).
happy riding guys