HI , I Can’t resist myself to write this review about my yo bike explorer er . its a total wastage of my Rs37000/- . its just a bulsheet to buy .
in my first date of purchase the indicator light falls of its position . on the 10th day , it stops while a crossing a road and I just managed to avoid a fatal accident. service man said that it happens as a connection plug was disconnected . later they confirm that one of the condenser got damaged . on the 12th day I was forced to pull the break strongly and my front mudguard falls off .
although they claim that its give 100km mileage every recharge it never give me more than 50km per charge even after 1500km of travel . one thing they tell me honestly that its maximum speed never exceed 35km/hr .
on the 15th day during a mild shower I saw water log inside the head light, which they did not changed till date due to unavailability . so I can’t ride my bike during night now. I ts only plus point is its ride quality.
I have gone to the service station to exchange my bike, but they just told me that its not possible. During purchasing they told me that they service the bike on call . but after giving several call they takes weeks to service. its just a horrible experience with my bike and I dont know what to do now. even since these bikes have no resale value I can’t sell it to any one . i’m thinking to go to the consumer forum .
october 03, 2009 So , friends thnx again. I bought a hero honda glamour 5day ago. its a pleasure to ride that bike. now I’m repenting why didn’t I bought this before . my yo bike is still with me and not to mentioned service centre is still yet to change my head light. Probably i’ve to resale it at the price of trash object.