Whether its Doon Valley or Silicon Valley Yoga rocks
Yoga gives ya both a good body and a healthy mind. I scarcely started to look for a yoga book when I came across this one. Though I have completed this one but the
desire to assimilate more knowlege on yoga is still burning. No sooner I will have almost a complete knowledge on yoga than I would be the owner of a sexy body. Lol:)
Finally, a friendly message of mine to all the readers we guys are almost nerds, so we must need to relax or to perform a few asans, because only jogging isn`t enough buddy. Yoga is good not only for body but also for mind.
ps :-> Baba Ramdev rocks.
Lemme have a retrospection on what knowledge I gathered from this amazing book.
1)Shav asan
2)Matasya asan
3)Bhujang asan
4)sarp asan
5)Dhanu asan
6)Padma asan
7)Dand asan
8)Vajra asan
9)Vakra asan
10)Kurma asan
11)Pachimotan asan
12)Butter fly asan
13)Sing mudra
14)Karna dhanu asan
15)Taad asan
16)Vraksa asan
17)Side bending chakra asan
18)Pad hasta asan
19)Surya namaskar
Shudhhi kiryas
20)Anulom vilom