I discovered this treasure trove of sizzling treats quite by accident when living in dubai, and equally accidently discovered that it originated from our very own Mumbai city! however, I was slightly doubtful as to whether the quality of the food and service wud come close or be on par with the joint in dubai.
i am glad to say that once inside the place, one wudnt know whether he/she is in dubai or mumbai or any other place but yoko sizzlers , for that matter! the unique sizzle that one hears , accompanied by wafts of delicious sauces, is enuf to transport one into a state of euphoria! the meat is one of the best I have ever eaten, while the flavours are incredibly unique!
as a matter of fact, I wud even go so far as to say that the only ones who can provide that sizzle are the guys at YOKOs!
however, the guys ought to do something about the never-ending line outside (actually, ordering while ure waiting outside is a great idea, since u can sink ur teeth into ur food the minute ure seated!!)