I have used many brands of tyres over the past 25 years of driving - Apollo, Michelin, Bridgestone and some OEMs that I dont remember.
I bought new tyres for my Fiat Linea at 40k after my OEMs wore out(Apollo) wore out unevenly. The dealer recommended that I upgrade to 185/70 and buy Yokohoma Earth 1. I was looking at buying a Bridgestone as my previous replacements on my Wagon R had given good service. But they were a bit hard, so I decided to listen to the dealer and since the price was also lesser than Bridgestone, I bought the Yokohomas.
For the first couple of thousand kms I regretted the decision as the car seemed to be bouncing around more on Mumbais roads. However after that they settled down and became more silent and smooth as the rubber wore in. Around 5k kms they became optimum in sound and softness.
At the moment I have completed 54k kms on them. They still have a lot of tread left and I think it will last at least 10k more. And I have not had any tyre lasting more than 42 k on roads better than Mumbais. So 64k in Mumbai for tyres that are not costly or overly hard is very good.
I have head punctures in two tyres, mostly nails. Two tyres never had a puncture. The air pressure doesnt reduce for a couple of weeks at least.
The tyres seem to have worn evenly in spite of me not doing alignment regulary, unlike the Apollos. The Yokos are not the most silent tyre, Michelins are more silent, but the noise is less than Apollo and quite tolerable.
Why did I not buy Michelins even though they run like a dream. I had Michelins on my Honda and was very satisfied with the quality, smooth and silent. But after a few months I had the sidewall of one tyre get ripped(can happen to anyone in India) and I had to put a tube in it as it cannot be repaired. The other option was to buy a full set and I did not want to invest that much so soon.
So given my current experience I think Yokohoma Earth 1 wins.