Was I Lost In the Book? Undoubtedly I Was. I feel my vocabulary is not enough to say about this book.
The pallate of humane emotions like the joy of friendship, love, marriage, sorrows and difficulties that one faces in the path of life creates a deep impact. Being a true love story, it is highly appealing to those who have experienced the essence of love and relationships in their lives. The creativity, vivid descriptions, excellent storytelling, honesty, simplified yet elegant English makes us to imagine things with eyes open. The mindboggling phrases and the vivid descriptions of the unpredictability of life and its harsh realities drowns you in tears. It exemplifies the fact that life isn’t always pleasant and if you love someone, love him/her truly, as love stories are meant to stay for generations to come and for them to read. Some stay incomplete. Yet they are beautiful and innocent in their own way.
Its difficult to find a book as honest, romantic, inspiring and heart touching novel like this. I would recommend everyone to read the book as it will surely fill you up with positive attitude towards life and it will also give you courage to fight back the tough and unpleasant circumstances in your way. The words are straight from the heart and the images flash before your eyes. The perfect amalgamation of humour and the capturing of emotions at the perfect times. "The quality of life is what matters, not the quantity", the best quote. A lot to learn from this book. TIME IS LIMITED BUT MEMORIES ARE TIMELESS.
Thanks To the author from the bottom of My Heart for giving this wonderful gift to all readers. A true blockbuster in making. A great way to immortalize love in the hearts of your readers.
To Bhavna maam- You are such an inspiring brave soul and you have left an imprint of love in everybodys heart that never gonna get vanished.
P.S.- It has left an emotional impact on me that my eyes have been filled with tears while writing down this review too.