Shiv Khera the famous pop guru has been in the news and has been conducting expensive seminars for CEOs and the top echelon. This book of his has been quite talked about and I decided to check out whether Shiv too is one of those phoneys. He isnt..
I was pleasantly surprised. Though this book too is one of those self-help, Inspirational and feel good- pep-talk kind of a book, and hardly contains any unknown secrets or mystery remedies, but one feels good after reading the book. Shivs style of narration, language, conviction and firm belief as well as his sincerity, makes it worth while experience.
Some of his gems of wisdom are worth quoting for they hold a tremendous amount of meaning and truth.
Life is not a dress rehearsal..We get only one shot at this game, stakes are too high.
We do need to plan for the future, but, if we utilize our present to its fullest, we are sowing the seeds for a better future automatically.
Knowledge is piling up of facts, wisdom is simplifying it. Most important thing one can learn is to learn to learn
Intelligence is quickness to learn. Ability is the skill to apply what is learned. Competence is the ability and desire to apply what is learned. Desire is the attitude that makes a skillful person competent.
Education and knowledge without common sense has little meaning. Common sense is gained inspite of, not necessarily as a result of, education. An abundance of common sense is wisdom.
It is good to have money to buy things that it can, but in the process of acquiring money, we don’t want to lose the things that money cant buy. Money can buy only somethings, infact, the most precious things are those that money just cant buy.
These are some of the paragraphs I found too good. All of us go through cycles of feeling low and high. I was going through one of those low cycles. Many things like the economic recession, growing-up children with a totally different set of values and attitudes etc. were just going on adding to the low mood. Reading this book was definitely a good experience for it brought me out of the cycle. Many things that the book contains will surely help me to be a better parent.
I recommend the book highly to all discerning readers, especially to the youngsters who are feeling lost, and to the middle aged who are feeling lost and dazed in mid-life blues overwhelmed with rapid changes that are happening all around.