My habits to KISS- Keep It Short & Simple.
Let me start by congratulating the researchers (just like -music arranged by) of the contents of the book who sweated out day in and out (uselessly) to give mr K a degree of an author. those guys, I personally know did a donkeys job for monkeys peanuts.
mr K seems to be more nightmarishly fond of being called an author than being one.
book is a not too bad collection of examples but forms no connection between two consecutive pages. its a clean jerk weight lift with the drug test coming positive!!! (aloha! the book be disqualified!!!???)
please dont waste time reading it cause the author says no different things buts says copied things differently(in vain) and wastes ur time (very valuable) and money (less valuable if pirated version purchased)
as I said I personally know... (few things) dat mr K finds difficult to motivate his own staff to work ... and that there have been some 26 PR managers who worked for him (tried to) in last 2 years... all left the job... (no motivation)
i dont know how 2 analyze d contents... tooo puzzled but I really thank the freedom of speech given by mouthshut.. thanks mouthshut, u guyz r doing great job!