Who would by choice want to be a loser. Definitely no one. But still many in life without knowing are wandering through life accepting whatever fate brings them but ending up on the losing side.
The book YOU CAN WIN by Shiv Khera is a step towards achieving success by unlocking your potential which is within you and translating into success what you have been till now dreaming of. Its about Attitude yes definitely positive with a capital A. As they say its all in the mind. If you have the right attitude you are bound to succeed. It is what is inside you that counts. Attitude is such a critical factor in success , that one should examine ones attitude towards life and find out how the attitude will affect your goals. The book is peppered with examples and stories that you don’t feel like putting the book down. It can be read like a story book in one reading but the concepts cannot be grasped by such casual browsing. The purpose of the book is to make you start an action plan, wherein you define your goals, how you plan to achieve it and the timetable for success. The principles in this book is universal and is applicable in any situation just as “ Truths are eternal.” ( Plato ).
The quotes, one liners and principles are thought provoking and very simple, practical and common sense that sometimes you feel that you know all these things but never it had set you thinking in the direction which now you are propelled to. A few sentences are jotted down :
Winners don’t do different things. They do things differently.
We don’t need more academic education; we need more values education.
Change focus, look for the Positives.
Failure is the highway to success. Defeat is a detour but not a dead end.
Success is not something that you run into by accident. The harder you work, the luckier you get. In short there is no substitute for hard work.
Discuss but don’t argue. An argument is one thing that you never win. If you win you lose a friend and if you lose you lose. In an argument there is more heat but no light.
Turn your promises into commitments.
Choose your words carefully. Talk less: say more.
Many people have lots of money but they are very poor. Money can buy- a bed but not sleep –A clock but not time – food but not appetite – a house but not a home – medicine but not health – books but not wisdom.
Life is like an echo . We get back what we give.
Shiv Khera is known for the theory of the WIN WIN situation. Always we thought that if you win somebody has lost but not so everytime. You can have a strategy where both sides WIN. On that WINNING note let me humbly suggest to set your goal and buy a copy of this book. You must have your personal copy as it is to be used as a workbook. This is first step towards SUCCESS. YES YOU TOO CAN WIN.