You can winby shiv khera is one of the most amazing books I have read.Its a very practical book and everything has been conveyed in a very precise way.You dont have to read this book only when you are down or out or depressed, you can read it anytime and you will feel a drastic change in your thinking and attitude towards life.For me reading this book was an experience in itself.This book teaches you how you can alter your condition by altering your attitude and state of mind.I know, its easier said than done, but I feel if you are positive and honestly believe in yourself, you can achieve anything in this world.Everything is possible if you earnestly give it a try, and have faith in what you are doing.This book will guide you towards a right living, right thinking which will further help you build a strong balanced life.Another book that I ld like to recommend you is Notes to myself by Hugh prather.Its another amazing book.Read these two books and you will be a completely changed person, with a more positive and clear mind set.
Always believeWinners dont do different things.
They do things differently.