Sharing my experience with YKROK, Bangalore.
My son is 2 years 10 months old and he was put up in his age group in YKROK, Electronics City. As he was crying a lot, my mom also accompanied him. But the things she noticed in the school, it was really shocking.The teacher of his batch beat the kids whenever they cry or when they are not listening to her. Also the teacher feed 2 or 3 kids from the same plate. When my mom asked she said they are brothers, but later we found that they are not brothers.
My mom always used to be with my son in the school. But one day there was some audit happening in the school. My mom was asked to wait outside for sometime during the auditing. It was just half an hour she was out, but in that duration the teacher had beaten my son(slapped in his face). His lips were swollen immediately. My mom saw this and complaint this to her and also to the teachers of the other groups. But they did not even respond for that.
Now I stopped sending him to YKROK. Below is the email thread for your reference. Please dont get carried away by the infrastructure. Kids need love and kindness in playschool.
From: Selvakumar G
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 9:35 AM
To:;YKROK customtakeouter Service
Subject: RE: Nithin - YKROK ECITY
Hi Bharath,
Please do not try to fool me. I have the incoming call record in my mobile from 080-40837916 and Gunisha did talk to me and informed about staff termination and asked me to have a word with Suman at 9620000070. If you read the email thread below carefully, you will realize that after my complaint, your customtakeouter service ppl took time to verify the incident and wrote to me back with apologies.
I want to see where the camera is placed in Ecity YKROK and the video which was recorded on the date I mentioned(19.05.2011). Do you have camera in each class room? I have all the rights to ask this information since I have paid the money for 3 months. It is my hard earned money after all.
From your reply I read your mindset and I think you are much worried about the refund part. And you are not ready to accept the mistake and rectify it. I think I need to take this matter seriously through various consumer forum.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 7:14 PM
To: Selvakumar G;YKROK customtakeouter Service
Subject: Re: Nithin - YKROK ECITY
Hello Selva, staff have not been terminated. Gunisha did not call.
We will not accept the child was hit as we do have a camera system to rely on.
Best regards, Bharat
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
-Original Message-
From: Selvakumar G
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 18:29:59
To: Bharat Kapoor;YKROK customtakeouter Service
Subject: RE: Nithin - YKROK ECITY
Hi Bharat,
Just now Gunisha called me and informed that the staff is terminated! Total contradiction! You are saying your staff never do that and she is saying that staff is terminated.
I am clearly telling my mom was there and noticed all these things and complained. Do you expect a spy cam video proof?
What ever I wrote to you was before this incident. As I mentioned We did come back to YKROK and my kid was there for 10 days. Do you think I am just blaming to get back the money? I have better way to spend my time and have better work to do than blaming unnecessarliy. You need to put yourself into the parent’s shoes, into the kid’s shoes. so that you can understand our point.
From: Bharat Kapoor []
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 6:10 PM
To: Selvakumar G;YKROK customtakeouter Service
Subject: RE: Nithin - YKROK ECITY
Hello Selva,
The staff at E-City have been with us since 2007. I can assure you that Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES has there be any spanking, physical abuse, verbal
abuse, name-calling or isolation used. Neither food nor sleep will ever be withheld from Children.
You wrote to me on 1.11.2010 saying the Doctor suggested that he is very weak and due to cross infections, he got all the problems since his immunity power is less. So Doctor strictly advised not to send Nithin to school for
next 6 months.
You also wrote to me that you always want to consider YKROK in the future.You will always continue suggesting YKROK as a good place to your friends and colleagues. These were your comments three months ago.
I am sure there is some misunderstanding, which can be cleared.
Thanks and warm regards
Bharat Kapoor
From: Selvakumar G
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:39 PM
To: YKROK customtakeouter Service
Subject: RE: Nithin - YKROK ECITY
Do you honestly feel that after complaining about the incident, the teacher will take good care of my kid? What are the steps you have taken to make sure this wont happen again? Anyhow you are not going to be there to stop it. And I cant send my mom every day to watch it. The same set of people will be there. And We dont want to take a risk again.
I am telling that I am not happy with the service, so asking for refund. You are repeating the same explanation that you cant refund as per policy. so your policy is only for fee and deposit, NOT for kids safety and security?
I think I need to share this incident with my fellow infoscion parents and other parents looking for feedback. Escpecially the first time parents who want to send their kid to play school first time. Atleast they will be aware of your fee policy.
Thanks for your great understanding and commitment!
From: YKROK customtakeouter Service []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 2:55 PM
To: Selvakumar G
Subject: RE: Nithin - YKROK ECITY
Dear Mr Selvakumar,
Greetings for the day!
This response is in regards to your query for refund of school fee.Further to your query would like to inform you that the school fee once paid is non-refundable however we ensure you that no hitting will happen in the
school. Request you to continue sending your child to YKROK.
Sincere apologies for the incident that has occurred.
In case you have any more concerns kindly reply to this mail and Ill be glad to answer them.
Gunisha Singh
Manager - customtakeouter Service