I was using this IQUARA or YOU TELECOM connection from last 2 years initially I found it was ok connection but of late the speed was pathetic apart from that in Bangalore there was some load shedding was going on that was the reason they were using to tell me that whenever the internet link is down they used to tell me actually they dont have back up thats not my problem they should have given discount but nothing happened.. just couple of months back there was no connection for 15 days and customer care was not able to give the reasoning for that. But this month they gave some discount.
I got fed up with the speed and service tried 2MBPS connection but it was also very slow so I gave request for the disconnection for that also I had to find out the office address for 1 and half hour.. There also they took some interview and they said you will have to give back the modem and I was carrying the same so I deposited the same in their office but now its almost 1 month over I havent received my refund for my deposit plus each and every day I am getting calls or SMS from YOU TELECOM asking for payments.
I dont kno what to do.. First of all if you want connection you just have to contact the customer care they will come and install everything and when you go for disconnection they will ask you to come to their office and there also they will not give you full address of the company so it will be very difficult for the customer to find out... I have already forwarded the complaint for the same to consumer court. Think twice before taking this You Telecom internet connection...