YOUTELECOM can only be defined in one word " BULLSHIT". A company which never bothers to understand the problem faced by the customer.
When I applied for the YOU telecom connection , 4 days after the application an executive camera at my place for the installation with a FAULTY MODEM . I refused to take that & asked him to replace the same. which he promised to do on the next day ... Till 4 day I was continuously calling him but he didnt bother to respond even.
Helpless from this side I called the customer care regarding the issue .. But they were much bigger cheater than him . They gave me one CASE ID ( which never got progressed ) for 5 consecutive days they did nothing just repeating the one single line " We are checking with our back office" those IDIOT executive who are good for nothing.
My billing has already been started out of which I have used nothing .
This is completely JERK company .. Think 100 time before you take broadband connection from YOU.