Youtube go is recently launched app from youtube especially for india & Indonesia.However it is still in beta stage. It is a very useful app especially in urgency when your data balance is low & you want to watch a urgent video on youtube then it very useful. Only with this app you can watch in low internet speed or when your data plan is low as it compress videos to low quality but videos still works. It was launched by youtube some months ago.Its stable version is still not available for download on playstore.
This app has many advantages & disadvantages lets discuss that:
Advatages -
Videos available even when speed is very low
Videos can be watched even when data plan is about to finish
It compresss videos to low quality but videos can be watchable
It asks to select quality : Basic version of low quality & standard version of little bit high quality is availble.
It allows to share videos
It allow to change language as all indian regional languages are supported
It allow videos to download in internal as well as Sd card.
It allows videos to share easily
Its a basic version of youtube
Videos can be saved in basic as well as standard quality
Also videos information can be easily seen without watching video
Videos not available in good quality it quality can be improved little bit
You cannot see whole channel, have to search for particular videos
Not all youtube features are available
As this app is still in beta version so its features can be improved timely.As it has so many good features like it saved our data & and have many new features like videos information without opening/watch. So I recommend everyone to use it when it is available for download on playstore as rightnow it beta program has ended.
Hence I will say a good initiative from youtube for india for making india digital.
Hence I recommend everyone this app & will give it 4/5 stars for it great features.