I am using this app not I am all world using this.This is a ocean it means all things all answers are found in it. I am learn many things deu to this app.This is tell all the answers and easy to operate. One time I dont no how to make a facebook ID so this app is tell me and I learn now I am easy to make any ID. This is user friendly and very easy to download a vedio not take more time. We are adjust the vedio quality low or high. In this app include vedio clips, music , Tv shows clips , audio recordings , vedio blogging , educational vedios , movie trailer.
This is launched February 14, 2005 but in present he is sooo advanced his parent is google the founder of this app are Steve Chen, Chad Hurley , Jawed Karim.
Many peoples are earned money with this deu to advertiesment in the vedio this app is give us so much money and we are viral our vedio to this the popularity is so much increases.