Youtube is top video sharing website.
It is something which can be easily accessed by almost anyone and people belonging to all age groups. You can find all sorts of videos over there and that is when the problem arises. Most of the videos contain explicit content which is obviously not suitable for children and sometimes for teenagers too. Before playing such video they do remind you that it contains explicit content or nudity and asks you to confirm your age by just logging in. I mean what do they think?
They should know, that to watch such contents, nobody would ever mention their true age. By just logging in with an email you get access to all that stuff. Most of the videos are uncensored. My own brother who is still in school and his friends lied about their age. I caught them red handed once. Even after strict supervision by the parents children do see such stuff and indulge themselves in violence and other social sins. The only way out is to completely ban such videos from YouTube.