Hello friends now iam going to Share my experience about the most popular widely using site named Youtube.com .
It is the best station for all the videos
You tube is just a Great thing and also it is now the product of the Google which makes it very attractive protective and it Gives a Lotts of entertainment to us. Im fully Satisfied with this site, also they make an application of this site as named Youtube app for both Android and ios which is easily available on Play store or on App store as free.
Now very frankly I am going to tell all of you, whenever Im tired, mood off, depressed, in tension suffering from any issue whatever the bad situation I have, simply I open youtube on my mobile and watching some song which I like the most and seeing some amazing and fantastic comedy videos of Famous youtube channels, literally it changes my whole mind., My all mood becomes set up and refresh again, and again now Im able to do my work. Which I like the most about you tube, best app ever.
On You tube all type, means every types of videos ee can find very very easily like Movie songs, movie trailers, Informative videos, Discovery videos, about to study videos, learning viDeos, videos for kitchen which is very useful to make different different dishesh in kitchen, best viDeo sit ever .
And also it provides a chance to earn money by uploading some perticularly videos, nowadays Youtube becomes a way of generate money to many people .
Best app ever . Love it.