YouTube is very good site at all. Many time we have some issue in our mind just write on the youtube search meenu and by just click ok and we got our problems solve with many type of suggestions. A good site for showing our ideas and getting ideas of ther.
Youtube provides facaility to earn also. Many of people have created their channels on this site and earning so much. It is easy to use in less time. quality of pictures, sound in given video are very good. Helpfull for students in their study, house wives in their kichen and homes, and for business for working mem/women.
Videos, Music, Devotional music and video, cookery channels/video, news channel and many more services that youtube provies. Innovativation wise it is very good.
Some people do not know specially punjabi that there are many channel out of india that given a wonderful and great news of punjab because there are 1-2 channel who gives us a perfect news of punjab.
So friends go with youtube.