Youtube is very interactive and userfriendly website which provides video content for users.People connected with Youtube are very lucky because they can watch videos as well as earn money by creating Youtube channel using their creative thoughts. Contains different kinds of video content such as Educational, Entertaining , Fitness, cooking, beauty tips, Games, Talk shows and Interviews and many more.In every category there are thousands of channels containing millions of videos which can be viewed by billions of users. Creating a channel on Youtube is some sort of achievement that can encourage by looking at growness of our channel through watchtime, likes and comments.Although they are paying money to us but Respect and honour is more important getting from audiences which keep us encouraging. Well , this scheme of Youtube encourage me to create new channel called technical education though it is not growing.Because I am not able to give my full attention and concentration due to my studies.But after my exams and graduation I would turn my shabby days into new one by focussing on it. About studies if I have any problem I just watch videos of best channels recorded by professors and experts who teach in very effective way through animation, notes.Way they are teaching is completely different from teaching process follow in schools and colleges.This help me a lot to score good marks in examination. User friendly because when we have no time to watch video we can download it and watch it later providing feature called offline videos.
We can share our review about content through like , dislike buttons and comment box. Timing require to load video is very less and we can save our mobile data and it works smoothly .Technically it is the best website to increase our knowledge to another level.