You tube helps to watch many videos live .
YOUTUBE.COM has easily secured its place in pop culture, primarily because it offers so much to discover - and love - in this comprehensive video library. Information. Education. Instruction. Entertainment. Distraction. Delight. Want step-by-step guided instructions for making dozens of different styles of friendship bracelets? Need to know how to create a unique Halloween costume? Want to show your child what the robot from Lost in Space looked like or check out the Earths solar system? Youll find that and much, much more here, including the latest viral videos of that kid or cat that everyones laughing about. The beauty of YouTube is being able to see so much in one place at any given time. That, however, also makes it difficult to know what your kids are finding and viewing when youre not supervising. Yes, YouTube provides an endless source of useful information. But like other Internet search engines, it is also rife with questionable content and inappropriate user comments that are easy for computer-savvy kids to find and view.
What makes YouTube such an innovative site is its usefulness as a creative outlet for kids and adults alike. Homemade movies - from silly to serious and everything in between - are commonplace, and innovative video creations are easy to find. Its not only a place to experience and enjoy the creativity of others, but also a place to exercise your own.
An endless stream of videos enthralls users of all ages, sometimes well past their bedtime. It would be hard to overestimate YouTubes popular appeal.
Having kids take an active role research may help them learn to investigate their interests. There are often multiple videos on a particular topic, so its possible for kids to find a style that suits them best.
Help videos and FAQ pages are very thorough. However, younger children may still find it difficult to navigate this large, adult-focused site. Users actively network via the sites social media features.