My friend recommended me about this ysense website to use , after dat I start using this website. This website is about earning money , like doing online survey , play games etc.Last six months I am doing work in this website its genuine website not scam.Main thing is that u understand about this website and most importantly that u have patience to doing survey. Starting u have got 1 or 2 survey to complete.But its very tough to complete .They give survey but its does not mean all survey will be completed by you .When u start doing survey , ur concentration is very important , 1 wrong answer u will be disqualified from survey .Nd whn u completed survey , ur money will be added to ur profile , some survey will pay after 30 days.i suggest to use this website , firstly u get some problem to understand but after dat when u start working u had got ur own experience , its take time , not so easy to make money.Nd guyz if u think my review will hlp you thn plz like, comment nd share my review.