YU Yuphoria is one of the best phone within the our affordable range. It gives excellent performance and I am very happy to use it.This is a good looking light weight rough and tough phone.It has very shiny, smooth and attractive screen. The all the four sides surrounding is well supported by the bright silver color plate. It works very well with 2gb RAM. Its 5 inch size is sufficient for typing, to watch songs, video and for camera purpose.Its battery backup is very good.
Once recharge and by regular using of mobile it runs for two to three days. Somebody written in the review that while using it gets heated up but I never felt this type of problem.Its sound is very clear and audible. The screen is nice which gives good clearity and nice photography can be done with clear and beautiful clips. Its color brightness can be done more or less as per the program requirements and the touch screen system is working very well. It has the good speed in downloading, sufficient memory power, good saving capacity and it works very well with internet. So overall the phone is excellent, durable and worth to use in this price range.