Hi guys, I am using yuphoria last 2year.Some major factor to not buy it .But it is perfect to buy in middile range. Major problem is , 1st battery is 2230 mh , so narmally use is batter but gaming is not perfect, in video case it is use in 4 to 5 hour , 2film is normally run.2nd is its back cover , it is plastic or very thin so chances to broken so I think it is not problem in major . but overal it is so good .Its glass is garila glass 3 so not chances to broken .My mobile is drop many times but it is not broken. Its look is very cool.1st impresstion is camera , it is very large aslike a dslr camera . In 2 year not problem is soon , but some time softwar problem is soon but all not problem is soon .I am very happy to use it . This revew was writen by my yu yuphoria . In this company survice center is not in market they deals with micromax care , so same proble is hear in care but not major.