OK I will be true.and I m writing this after buying this phone.frankly the phone seems great at first sight.works good with the cyanogen .I, bought this phone for my father on 21 July via open sale.in just 17 days, my front camera stopped working. And the audio.jack functioned for one earpod only.!
So I took my complaint to YU care, Everyone.they are rude.and full of nonsense.they have no service centres and try to fool the customer with excuses.what happens when something goes wrong with an iPhone or samsung or any other well known brand .you go to them .they check the device.if it is not your fault.they solve the issue.if even its your fault they change the respected part.with the money for it
But here in case of yuphoria.they told me they gave me the right phone.but if it is not working properly now.so it is my fault.!.What?even after no damage from my side!
I told them I did nothing.no water damage.no physical damage from my side.but they insisted on their saying.
They told me they will give me a "REFURBISHED" phone(not even a new piece) for which I will have to pay 5999 rs hahha.so the total will cost me 13k? Cool .isnt it?
They have no repair option available.they wont come and check the problem.they are rude and pathetic.they will just tell you to hard reset the device.clearing the cache memory.and flashing the tool.but they wont come and see the problem or solve it.they will cheat you.and fool you with their foolish talks
SO the choice is yours.go for a phone with a proper service.dont go for just the specs and look.wonder if your new yuphoria ever shows any hardware problem.?thats it.Dont ever f* buy this phone!NEW UPDATE:front camera stopped working as well.CHEERS