I want to share my experience with customer service team.
My phone stopped working after the laggy CM 12.1 and it completely stopped working. I called them up, they took like 3 hours for some one to respond.
The first thing they ask isRegistered Phone number". I asked registered to what? She replied by sayingSir, we need it to verify your e-mail, name ". which was in a very rude tone as if she needs to catch a flight in 2 minutes. I did give my number and asked is the onsite fixing thingy because theres no YU service center nearby. She said that its not in company policy anymore.
Then I asked then why is it so explicitly written on your pdf file in the website.?! She kept on saying "I am sorry for inconvenience cause blah blah blah!" She just sent me a bunch of Service Centers in the city where I live, which lead me to later on realizing that I lost 10 mins of my life. I already had that piece of listing from their website. She just disconnected the phone before I could utter a single word.