Very bad after sales service. I ordered the yureka on amazone on 23 April amazone delevered the set within 3 days.
"Yu" claimed that it has gorilla glass display but its display got broken down on falling from 3 feets only.I contacted the amazone about this matter but they gave me the customer care number of yureka and said that amazone has no liability for the repair of broken items.
The customer care number of yureka is next to impossible to connect.I have tried for hours to contact them but the line was busy all the time.Finally when got connected I was told to wait for 48 hours so that, someone from the courier company could come and collect the set(as they have no service center anywhere in India).I am surprised to learn from them that I have to pay Rs. 3000 for the repair and they will return the set after one month. Unfortunately, Its almost a week now but no one has turned up despite my repeated requests.
Now u can imagine what to expect from yureka and how can amazone get rid off its responsibility of providing its platform to such a company which has no service back up infrastructure.