Generation Next!! That is how some one would transform the literal meaning of Yuva and so do I.
It’s the movie about the youth and very well conveys the feeling of the Generation Next in India or some part of the India. I would say part of West Bengal, as most of the movie is shot in and around Kolkatta city and on the banks of Hugli.
Well so what’s so special about it?
Three unusual characters pretty much engrossed into 3-hour length movie with a series of climax and anti-climax. I think the series of mixing the climax and anti-climax started with SAATHIYA as far as I know, and continued so far. Successfully or not let the time decides.
Maniratnam has made a came back with Yuva but then its too early too say that it is successful or un-successful one. One thing is for sure, that he has made Abhishek to act. I have seen few movies of Abhishek earlier, but he seems to be different actor all together in this movie. The character he has played; Lallan is not that’s something very special, but again as I said Maniratnam has made it appear different or I would say it has been portrayed differently. He has been given most of time, as compared to other characters in movie.
Rani looks typical Kolkatta gal/housewife and portrayed a middle class woman. Nothing much to write about except that she plays every character/role to the perfection and with equals maturity.
Ajay Devgan in Michael looks younger than he is in real but then may be it is due to the movie title itself Yuva. He has played a character of Student Union Leader, that we used to see in earlier times quite frequently. Earlier days we used to have Student Unions in college campus and have been mostly supported by major political parties. In this movie its been shown as a movement to clean the dirty politics and its effects on the common people. One good thing that’s is shown in this movie is How do the people suffer due to dirty politics and how the Parties used these unions for their selfish purpose.
Isha Deol has little role to play, and again I would say the role was short and sweet. She also looks different in terms of acting and looks wise.
Vivek Oberoi, very popular and energetic actor between the Generation Next. He has little role to play in this movie and played it well. Again I would say it was short and sweet.
Kareena is the one more character that I found interesting in this movie. She has also played quite natural and typical College girl in this movie. Free and fair by nature yet energetic that paints real Yuwa looks. Some of you might be surprised and may be didn’t agree to it, but I found her really good in this particular movie.
Rest all character Ompuri, Anant Nag has played their role well.
Locations are pretty indigenous ones and as I said earlier, It is 100% Kolkatta.
Music is Okay kind of, with Kabhi Neem Neem & Anjana looks different.
Theme of the movie doesn’t have typical Bollywood masala stuffs and revolves mostly around politics. May be what has been shown on the screen has been inspired by some real events. I sincerely feel that its Yuwa theme is more important than who has played what role. It really conveys three different messages of three different young people with different thinking and different ideology.
Having said that, YUWA as a movie that is not only meant for Generation Next, but it is a movie that shows more of Young India. It is about the change they want, ideology they have and the perception they are trying to put forward or perceives, that needs to be looked into.
When everyone is looking towards good and better future, I think it is up to this Young India to play the key role to make better things for us.
Lastly I would say OLD have to make a place for Newer once, within its periphery so as to have a strong structure with equals strong base.