I m basically a fiction reader bt when I gt hold of dis n strtd reading it den I found it unprecedented....the book is about a renowned author who once went on a pilgrimage along d road to Santiago.On return visit he is abandonedby his wife leaving no trace of herself....the stroy unfolds as he becomes more obssessed with understanding d reason of her desertion.his search for her and for the truth of his own life takes him to steppes of Central Asia ....
U may find its storyline weak bt d small incidents n examples r enough to make it captivating.....sum really beautiful lines like "freedom is nt d absence of commitment......", "sufferin occurs when we want other ppl to love...", "love is a disease noone wants to..." etc. make it really worthreadin.Paulo cohelo has done an amazing work n has successfully made it touching n thought provokin....it is a must read for all..