I have been using this survey app for past 3 months. While signing up itself, they will give us$6, after that, we need to attend zap survey, peanut labs, pollfish, location rewards etc to earn more. Only after$25 we can credit our amount to our paypal or other accounts. For every day login, $0.01 they are providing. If we share with our fiends, and once when our friends got signed up, we will be getting$1 for the referrel
What I am feeling about this app is, there are no frequent surveys, only rarely surveys will appear, and too wont be relevant to us, you are not not qualified for survey will come.
After signing up, in the past 2 months, I could only earn$2, extra. Regularly I will check the app for surveys. I have taken peanut labs surveys and zap surveys. I havent tried pollfish surveys, as it will always display, sorry now its not available. I havnt collect any location rewards too. Claim token, option and all available which will never give us money. this will take long long period to reach$25. So its better not to depend on this app for earning. If you can share with 25 friends and can make them to create account in zap surveys you can go for initial payment, but subsequently to earn more, we need surveys more which is not available in this App