I strongly recommend Zara Tapas Bar & Restaurant at Chennai.Its one of the stylish, young and trendy places to hang out in where you dont end up paying a fortune.The restaurant situated in Radhakrishnan Road shares its premises with Copper Chimney, Don Pepe and other restaurants.Valet Parking is available but sometimes this does get messy.
The plus points of this place are :-
The food is delicious and there are lot of mocktails and cocktails to choose from as well. The menu gets all the more exciting as the choices are well named.For example, a cocktail called Kamikaze , a taco called Croquettas De Esinacas( Spinach Roll) , Bomba ( Potato Roll) .These not only sound WoW ! , they also taste WoW ! . The only problem is that they keep disappearing from your plate and you end up reordering for more
It has blended an international spanish/mexican cuisine very well and also offers many choices for vegetarians.The chef (who earlier used to work in a Caribbean cruise ship) gets the flavour and mix right everytime
This place has a great ambiance .The overall feeling is cozy and copmfortable.To add to this they always seem to be playing the right kind of music here.I heard Simon & Garfunkel being played in a restaurant after a long time out here.
The service is prompt and professional.I have not had any complaints on this count .
Occasionally there is a band playing here as well
And all this at a pretty affordable price is the big plus point about Zaras.After you visit the so-called premium places in town and visit Zara you surely feel that you get more Bang-for-your-buck in this place
Now for the negatives :-
Shoes are compulsory. I dont know why they have stuck on to this archaic rule.But if you dont have shoes on they sometimes help you get a pair
The place gets real crowded on weekends is the second negative
To sum it up, Zara has more positives going for it and they more than easily outweigh the negatives.So , if you havent visited Zara Tapas in Chennai, you better do soon and tell me what you feel.