It has been 6 days ...but no updates ..its pretty clear that you have stolen my money.
Please give the explanation!!
No one else can be blaimed if there is clearly no visible trnsaction , i put in 1.3 lakh and bought 50k worth bitcoin from it. I have not sold or moved my bitcoin, i see it being sold in 2019, when i did not even log into my accouunt. I did not recieve even 1 mail about these tracnsaction. Whats worst is i do not see the money transferred to any account.
Who sold my botcoin with out my consent
Even after selling where is the monwy...cearly we can see 1.3 lakhs going in ...but no money coming out. I jsut have 20000 inr left. Where is the rest ?
Zebpay is the worst of all indian account for bitcoin.