Hi everyone.
Well my review is on Zee tv. Well not the indian one. But the one that we get on ch 122. This channel has many good shows but it spoils the show when they give commercials. I mean it drives me crazy. okay for example, there is a really good sceane going on like in a drama a person is about to find who killed her husband, and right when they are going to find out there is a commercial, and then they end the drama. These people should stop giving sooo many commercials. Because if they dont then they wont have any people watching their channel. Well this message goes out to all of the channels. Why because it is really iritating when you are watching a really good show and suddenlly you have a commercial butting in. And some people do not have lots of patience. And you dont want to know what they say if they loose it. most of the things they say is stupid commersials. And they swear at the television. That is what I sometimes do when I get mad. well that was mine what do you think?
Keep reading and send me something. please.