I have been using the service of ZeeNext Broadband in Bangalore for more than 1 year now and it is provided through local cable provider, SitiCable. Overall, though, I subscribe to the low bandwidth unlimited connection, it has been of great satisfaction to me. The major points are
Ease of usage: It is through cable(as if you are connecting to a LAN) and so no modem is required and no dial up connection. All through DHCP and you will be automatically connected to internet just by inserting the cable. One by product of this is that you become almost static in that room of the house where you have the point. Unless, of course, you want to stretch that wire in all the rooms of house and create a mess around you.
Effective Bandwidth: I talk of effective bandwidth that you get once you take a connection of specific speed from your ISP as at the end of day, that is what you work with. With a 64 KBPS line that I have taken, I get around 20-30 KBPS, which going by the general standard, is awesome.
Scheme/Cost: I took a 64 KBPS line with unlimited usage. They have higher bandwidth option with limited usage also available. The cost is slightly(around 10%) on the higher side compared to other broadband service providers.
Service: You might find that is where the Zeenexts strength is. May be, because of their small consumer base and that too, through local franchises, they are able to listen and solve your problems far better than other big players in the market. It is not that you will not have any technical problems(like, not getting the IP) with Zeenext. But, usually problems get resolved very fast and then they follow up with you to make a closure.
Billing: Another plus of Zeenext here is their prepaid structure where you pay for certain amount for 1 month and start using the connection. You can keep track of how much you have used and your expiry date and recharging(once expired) through their website for which you just have to get onto their network.
One bad point: One bad point of type of connection they provide is that at one point of time, you are forced to use one computer/laptop. They take your ethernet mac address while providing your connection initially and you can not use any other machine other than that for connecting. If you have 2 machines and you want to connect from any of these, then this is not possible. Time and again, you can ask them to change the MAC address that is registered with them but obviously that is an extra hazard and preferably you are expected to keep yourself limited to one machine.
Overall, I find this mode of connecting to internet very exciting and also a good experience because of ZeeNext. I have nothing against Zeenext to not to recommend it to anyone as long as the mode of connection and all other points(particularly the last one) mentioned above suits you.