I took Zeenext connection around 6 months back in Kumarswamy Layout area in Bangalore. The vendor for Zeenext in this area is Sri Lakshmi Narayana Cable, run by Mr Gopal.
The service is not that bad in the initial days and I was more or less satisfied with the service they were providing.
But as time passes, the service standard started Detorting.
The biggest problem with ZeeNext is their technical team. For the last 2-3 months, I am not being able to access internet whenever I want. Whenever I call up the customer care people the only reply they have is that they are having some technical problem and it will be rectified in another 30 minutes, but that 30 minutes never ends, as I found out.
If you are using the internet at home to check your mail or other such stuff, then you might go for ZeeNext, provided you have access to internet at office, in case Zeenext is not working at home(and this is very frequent, trust me), you have a back up in office,
I am a day trader, whose living is based on the fluctuations of the stock market in Mumbai. So during the trading hours, I need uninterrupted net connection, But with Zeenext thats not to be.
The other day, I bought some stocks of a company in the 10.30 in the morning, and when that stock touched a certain high level after 1 hour, I wanted to sell it, being happy that I timed the market perfectly. But guess what, when I wanted to sell that equity, I found that my computer is no longer connected to the internet, all thanks to Zeenext, by the time the connection was restored after a few hours, the market is already closed for the day and for the next few days that stock just went down and down and in that process, I had to lost a few thousand rupees, all thanks to ZeeNext.
One more specialty of ZeeNext, although its very common for us customers not to be connected to the net for 3-4 hours daily on a average, ZeeNext has no plan to compensate that loss, by extending the validity period,
So if you need a reliable and truly always on internet connection, then never go to Zeenext. If you do some financial transaction over the net then NEVER NEVER NEVER go for ZeeNext