Thanks for taking time to read this article. Well I had been using Nokia Mobile phones for the last 10-12 yrs and till date I had purchased about 6 nokia mobile phones. Till date no issues.
Well the last 2 mobile that I purchased from Nokia made me think twice to reduce the overhead cost, Nokia started manufacturing Mobiles from China and Tajekistan (hope I pronounced it correct), these are nokia phones but assembled or manufactured with low quality and tagged as Nokia. They made good profits and customers paid good amount and got low quality.
This is what made me think about mobiles manufactured in INDIA. I purchased Zen Z77, the looks are good
FM Radio works without the handsfree plugged in it
Right from the first call, everyone told me that my voice is very low and I had to literally shout
All of a sudden the phone started to restart automatically
All this happened with 3-4 hrs of the purchase, called their main office in Delhi and took the local service center number. When I approached them with this problem - that when I got the underground information from one of the service engineers who came from my hometown -
As per the service tech -
This mobile doesnt support Tata Docomo SIM Card
If you attempt using Docomo Sim the phone would restart automatically
Also the quality of the mike and speaker is very bad and would give frequent trouble
The hands-free slot is very sensitive and within 1 months usage, the main board would get into trouble
Also while on call, if you wanted to take down any number, u would get the textbox to enter the number, but after the call is disconnected, the number you entered would also go off. Bit difficult for people on the move
After getting to know this, I got the DOA (Dead on Arrival) Letter and took the mobile back to the store where I purchased and returned it. Then finally decided to go for Micromax mobile Q5 (QWERTY -keypad, using this for about 6 days, hope this one is better than Z77.
Price - Z77 - Rs. 3450 all inclusive (including 2 GB Micro sd card)
Q5 = Rs. 4400/- all inclusive (without SD Card)
Will write a review soon for Micromax Q5 mobile.