I have selected the Zenify service to manage my property in August. In last 2 months they seems to be very very unprofessional. It seems they dont have any experience in managing the property. I will give you few examples where they lied to me and charged for the cost which I didnt approved.
During the agreement we agreed on few items where I told them clearly which cost I will be taking and which they need to take. All were on mail. Despite this they have charged me for~4000 INR. They never told me that they are going to do this expanse. I only come to know when it was there in statement. When I asked them regarding this they said they dont have a time to communicate to me. I cross verified with the tenant and I found that tenant told them regarding those charges 1 week before.
They never replied to your mail unless you sent them 2-3 times. Calling their customer care is like waiting in a queue for at least 30-40 minutes
They said they will manage the property. But when I asked them to pay the maintenance charges of the apartment they started changing the contract and asked tenant to pay that.
Their managers are incapable of handling customer. They are money oriented. They damm care about the customer.
They collect the rent in advance from the tenant and pay you at the end of the month. They collect more deposit from the tenant and pay you less.
They give you the expanse list which tenant has never given to them. They took lots and lots of commission in these expanses.
I will not recommend Zenify to anyono. Neither Tenant nor Property owner. They sucks your blood.