From my personal experience Im advicing you not to go for zenith products ever.
Im typing this message from my zenith computer only. I bought it for 36k(with UPS, combo drive and all that). I got the motherboard, combo drive, floppy drive replaced within 3 months of the purchase. And to get this replacement work done I had to visit their office hundred times. The floppy drive was not tested properly after the replacement as I didnt have a good floppy and that guy also didnt bring one.
The replaced one has never succeeded to open a brand new floppy. I tried with
different new floppies and then I gave in as I didnt have time to make 100 requests. Zenith services are horrible. The computers are poor in quality. Please
dont make a mistake by buying a zenith product. You could buy a branded computer
with same configuration and with the same money. Then why go for this ill-branded