I have learnt one thing the very hard way in life – that you get nothing for a bargain, except misery and of course a Zenith™ Computer. I had gotten a real bargain, I got both.
I bought my Zenith computer out of my hard earned savings ( real state of the art configuration then). The price was not really what you would call a bargain. It was a dream come true for me to posses a P IV system with 256 MB RAM, 32 MB AGP, CD writer, UPS and so on.
Then the problems began. The dealer “ Computek” from Secunderabad, led by a cantankerous person called Abishek tricked me into buying an worthless UPS pompously named “MasterPower”.
The Master Power UPS wouldn’t even charge up- Let alone give back up. After lots of complaints, pleading, begging, cajoling and heated arguments with the entrepreneur / manufacturer of the UPS( it actually was an expensive extension chord) he decided to take it back and paying more I got an APC. Really awesome machine it still is.
What happened till now was just the foreplay with the act still to follow extending my orgasmic Zenith over a period of a year and a half now with absolutely no support from the either the dealer or the sweet talking, useless Folks at Zenith- Secunderabad.
When I began upgrading my operating system, I found that the audio drivers would never load and it was with great difficulty and lot of expense that I was able to set it right. This was during the warranty period.
Again about ten months later(while still under warranty), my internal modem conked out. Computek sent some “engineers” in pyjamas who seemed to be under the impression that the key to virtuosity in computers lay with how hard you struck the key board.
My modem stayed defunct. I and my Pc stayed without support and again I replaced my modem myself with a USB one that works well. Zenith Secunderabad was again of no help.
This time I had a problem, I went to Mr Bannerjee who headed their local operations, a gentleman as slimy as mishti doi with cream, who handed me over to a Gowrishanker of their service department with whom I have had 2 un fulfilled appointments inspite of offering to pay for their services.
Zenith has a pragmatic policy- don’t support individual customers. I suppose like me they are all a pain. Go for the corporates that is where you can cheat many people at one go.
You really want to buy a PC, a good PC buy IBM, Compaq. Buy them for a little more 25 % more. But then they come misery free…
Sudarsan J